Today we celebrate Armed forces day and whilst it’s the perfect opportunity to thank our brave servicemen and veterans it’s also a time to reflect. Being an island nation our armed forces are vital to our security. History has show time and time again, that their bravery and expertise is what has kept this nation safe and able to prosper. For my own family the day has extra significance, as a young child my father sat me down and told me the story of his grandfather Subedar Bir Singh. He was mentioned in a Despatch for distinguished service and published in the London Gazette on 30 December 1941. Of course, as a child the significance of this didn’t truly sink in. Even as an adult, who fully understands the horrors of war and the crippling after effects of PTSD I can still only imagine what it was like face such terrifying situations.
My great grandfather is a drop in the ocean of our armed forces – one I am rightly proud of – and his story is of course not unique. Even today our brave servicemen and women leave their families behind for months at a time, travel to dangerous territories, and see things we can only imagine in nightmares. Their sacrifices keep us, and the rest of the world safer and for that I am eternally grateful. I do hope as many of you as possible will join me in a salute to our armed forces today. Below is a picture of may grandfather as a young boy with my great grandfather somewhere in Europe. You can join in on Twitter, Tweet @ArmedForcesDay using #SaluteOurForces.